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March 2025

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Photo: Tuomas Lehtinen / Alamy Stock Photo
Featured Article

What’s Your Penis Lie?

New research has found that—shocker!—guys stretch the truth when it comes to their dong dimensions. But why? We size up the situation.

In this day and age of divisiveness and quarrel, we are often reminded that all men are created equal—which may be a central tenet of the Declaration of Independence, but by some measurements, at least, is a load of crap. Anyone who has ever covertly peeked over at the adjacent urinal to see what his micturating neighbor was packing knows that, while there may exist many parities between one man and another, the penis isn’t one of them. Schlongs come in all sizes: large, small, fat, skinny, right down to the freakishly enormous and virtually non-existent. 

Perhaps that’s why men make it a habit of lying about their dick size. Society has worked really hard all these years to ensure the average male feels grossly inadequate no matter what they’re working with below the belt, so it’s perfectly natural—and inarguably a little sad—that they may feel compelled to fudge the phallic truth. But, come on, now, where’s the harm? After all, it’s just a little white size lie, not their freaking tax returns. If they have five inches, they might claim six. Seven and a half, and maybe, maybe they go nine.

Thankfully, the ladies aren’t carrying around a measuring tape to inspect questionable cocks for accuracy, because if there was an IRS for dicks, we’d all be sitting in jail. Good thing for us, for the most part, women aren’t all that concerned with a fictitious inch here and there. 

“Pretty sure men round up,” 27-year-old Taylon from New Orleans, Louisiana, tells 

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