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February 2025

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Featured Article

What Turns Women Off?

Forget farting in bed or belching at the dinner table—here are the things that will really put you in the No-Bone Zone with the ladies…

Ask a man to identify the leading complaints straight American women have about their partners, and he might mention burping at the dinner table or farting in bed. However, according to a new survey, there is a slew of unpleasantries much more despicable than blowing ass between the sheets that turn women off. So pay close attention to this one, boys. Your freedom to have regular sex hangs in the balance.

Researchers working on behalf of the UK dating site recently uncovered what turns women off the most, identifying the leading issues that keep men in the doghouse rather than at the pound (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). The main behavior seemingly driving a wedge between man and woman is his desire to talk about his past sexual partners. Yep, women don’t like it much when their guy insists on waxing nostalgic about boning other women. Around 64 percent of the ladies polled said this topic of conversation was a real turn-off. After all, nobody cares that Sally was a squirter or that Holly was always down for pee play. 

Our own research echoed this sentiment. 

“I don’t really care about my man’s sexual past—we all have one—but I do not wish to hear about how his ex-girlfriend did certain things in the bedroom that I won’t,” 34-year-old Keisha tells “That doesn’t make me want to get any freakier with him. All it really does is make me want to go out and fuck one of my neighbors so that I can rub it in his face.”

Coming in a close second in the rowdy realm of turn-offs, the study shows, was men who bail out of sex the second they orgasm—those who prefer getting sleep over the sexual satisfaction of their lady. Come on, boys, there’s not a clit on the planet that is going to come out and play more frequently if it’s grown accustomed to being smothered under the pelvic awkwardness of a selfish lover who refuses to get his partner off at least once before heading off to Slumberville.

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