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February 2025

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Tipping Turn-Ons
Featured Article

Tipping Turn-Ons

Want to really charm the pants off of your dinner date? Forget the pricey wine and entrees; just treat and tip the waitstaff well.

In the cage match that is dating, where first impressions often determine whether a man will get to see the woman sitting across from them at the table naked by the end of the night, people often forget that restaurant etiquette and good manners can be all that stands in the way of having dessert back at her place after the check is paid. 

A lot of times, suitors get too hung up on trying to impress a coital candidate, opting to take them out for a fancy, wallet-crushing dinner that will almost assuredly have them on a strict bologna diet for the rest of the month. In reality, all that matters to an admirer is not that second bottle of Château Cheval Blanc, it’s whether or not their date treated the waitstaff with kindness. It doesn’t matter if a couple is dining at McDonald’s or Le Bernardin, if that bastard doesn’t know how to carry himself with the waitstaff without being a royal asshat, he’s not going to make it. 

“It’s a huge red flag if a guy is mean to a server. When a man is genuinely nice to strangers it says a lot about him.”

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