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March 2025

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The Gems: ‘Phoenix’ Rising
Featured Article

The Gems: ‘Phoenix’ Rising

The last time we saw singer Guernica Mancini, drummer Emlee Johansson and guitarist/bassist Mona “Demona” Lindgren, they were tearing up the stage on tour as part of the all-female rock band Thundermother (read our interviews with that group here and here). 

Boy, have times changed. Since then, the trio of fierce females found themselves out of the band they helped build and make so vital (more on that below). Luckily, rather than simply fade away, they are striking out on their own as a new band called The Gems. caught up with Guernica and Mona to discuss their departure from Thundermother and their aptly titled debut album, Phoenix.

Photo by Gustaf Sandholm Andersson Where are you Zooming in from?

Guernica Mancini: We are both at our homes in Stockholm, Sweden. It is night here, which explains why I am drinking wine.

What happened to Thundermother?

Guernica: Well, I was fired by [guitarist] Filippa [Nässil] and the other girls quit in support of me.

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