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May 2024

Featuring Tavia
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Glamour Cocks

Thinking of sending a dick pic to that woman you’re interested in? First off, get her permission first! Secondly, put some effort into it! We present a handy guide to becoming the Ansel Adams of schlong-centric selfies. According to research, roughly 50% of women have received a dick pic—which makes sense, considering the same research...

Go to Fucking Sleep!

Suffering from insomnia? Never mind the sleep aids at the pharmacy, we have a much sexier way for you to get some solid shut-eye… In the wee hours of the night, while the rest of the world is tucked away safe and sound, dreaming about roses and rainbows, there’s another group out there–men and women...

In Too Deep

Sure, with summer upon us, the idea of a poke in the pool or the pond might sound tempting, but beware—there are many perils to underwater sex. Summer means different things to different people. For some, it’s family vacations to Disneyland in pursuit of making memories for little Jimmy and Sally. And then there are...