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May 2024

Featuring Tavia
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HUSTLER Classic: Don’t Blow It

America’s Magazine delivers a powerful message about the perils of drug use. The 1980s had their share of anti-drug campaigns. There was the Partnership for a Drug-Free America’s “This Is Your Brain on Drugs” ad, with its egg-in-a-frying-pan metaphor that sparked numerous parodies. And the simplistic “Just Say No” campaign, championed by First Lady Nancy...

HUSTLER Classic: A Close Shave

With the holiday season upon us, chances are you’re going to find yourself going to a dinner party or two over the coming months.  The odds of attending a dinner party that ends like this, however, are not quite so solid. Putting itself on the razor’s edge of modern grooming habits, the March ’76 HUSTLER...

Thanks for the Laughs: A HUSTLER Cartoon Thanksgiving

Sure, Thanksgiving is known as a day for filling our guts—but why not bust one, too? Take a break from shoving things into your mouth and let a few laughs out of it instead by gobbling up this collection of HUSTLER’s Turkey Day-themed artwork. “Turkey? Let’s start a tradition of having something we really want...