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March 2025

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Strictly Legit
Featured Article

Strictly Legit

The dude who gave West Coast Hip-Hop a blast of thrash, conquered the liar’s paradise called Hollywood and landed one of the hottest pieces of tail on the planet still couldn’t bullshit if he wanted to. Back on tour with Body Count, Ice imparts his vital wisdom. Listen up.

HUSTLER: If you had to pick one: acting or music?

ICE-T: I act for the money. I do music to remain sane. Music is my vacation. There is nothing on earth that I could come up with that is bigger than being a rock star. There is nothing like standing in front of 20,000 people and moving them. That’s the ultimate power. Instant response. Anybody in their right mind would want to be a rock star. It’s the shit!

Playboy  or HUSTLER?

As a kid your first sex education came from that Playboy magazine that you would find. All of a sudden you realized that these pictures did things to your body. It was kind of like magic. But, Fuck, why? Why am I fascinated with these breasts? I got a mom, and she has breasts, but it never happened with her. It’s an unexplained phenomenon. They say weed is a gateway drug. Playboy is weed. Playboy is a gateway to HUSTLER. The heavier shit. HUSTLER was more focused on the pussy. They showed simulated sex acts. Girl-girl shit. It was a little closer to looking at a movie and freezing it. They still had some quality chicks. Which was important. Because when you start to go into, for lack of a better word, adult magazines, the harder it gets, the less quality the chicks got. Except HUSTLER. Also I got into the HUSTLER humor. A lot of my dirty jokes I still have and tell come out of the back of HUSTLER Humor. HUSTLER makes up a part of your life. Those kind of magazines are a lot like catalogs, to let you know what’s out there. There are hot girls. There are sexy chicks with great bodies. And hopefully as you get older, you’ll put the magazine down one day and find one. Because if you reach an older age and are still heavy—I mean heavy into magazines, then something went wrong.  

What age is that?

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