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February 2025

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Spitting Sirens & Drooling Divas
Featured Article

Spitting Sirens & Drooling Divas

For these drool-inducing, moisture-mad mavens, wetter is definitely better!

Spit is sexy. It amplifies any sex act and takes it to a place of messy bliss! From drooling all over a hard dick or soaking a pair of juicy tits in sensual saliva, it’s the perfect wet and wild accent to take any naughty deed to the next level. threw on a poncho and braved the wet with six moisture-mad mavens. You’ll be drooling as well while you read what they have to say!

Photo courtesy of Virah Payam You get extra-messy during your scenes! When did you discover you had this salivary gift?

Virah Payam: I would say the first time I realized that I had an “abnormal gift” was back before I even started making content. When I worked in retail, I used to hook up with this hot guy that worked in the suit department. We would take our lunches at the same time, then go fuck in the backseat of one of our cars. This one time I gave him a nasty sloppy BJ right before we had to go clock back in. Once we finished, we were putting ourselves back together and he goes, “How the fuck am I gonna go back to work like this?!” I looked over at him and he had this huge wet spot on the bottom of his shirt and the crotch of his dress pants. You could see the spit on his shirt even after he tucked it in! I just laughed like, “Welp, I did my job! That sounds like a you problem!” He had to completely button up his suit coat for the rest of the day.

Lady Lazarus: I drool on my pillow all the time, since I can remember! Also, when I got my tongue split, they had to use extra paper towels to hold my tongue [because of the] spit!

Kat Ravioli: I first discovered my salivary gift with my first boyfriend. He had a massive dick, and I just so happened to have an oral fixation! Every time I would suck it, I would just get so wet and messy, and I loved it!

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