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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Paul Scheer is truly a man for all television seasons. From his foibles on the FXX hit The League to his roundhouse ass-kickery in Adult Swim’s NTSF SD: SUV::, he’s been synonymous with all things comedy since Best Week Ever back in the day. You’ve spotted him on Fresh Off the Boat, 30 Rock, Childrens Hospital, Kroll Show, Drunk History and even Yo Gabba Gabba!  We sat down with The Dre himself to talk about the funniest players in the NFL trade-rapes and giant juggerpoos.


HUSTLER: So it’s the final season of The League, right? Any chance for a movie?

I hope not, no! Fuck it! I mean, I don’t want a movie of it. We had the TV show—that’s enough. I feel like, you see your TV, that’s TV; you see your movies, that’s the movies. I feel like the show is really fun, and it’s really good, and the best thing that you can ever do is end something. Know when it’s time to go, and don’t overstay your welcome. We’ve been around for seven years, and the show has not gone downhill. So why not get out while the getting’s good? Take that, Bill & Ted, with your comeback movie 30 years later. Unless it’s that. I’d like to come back in 40 years and do a League reunion.


We’ll see who’s still alive by then.

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