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February 2025

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Roomie Romps: The Pleasures and Perils of Banging Your Housemate
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Roomie Romps: The Pleasures and Perils of Banging Your Housemate

Sure, hooking up with your roommate might seem convenient, but beware—play things wrong, and you might just end up getting an eviction notice.

It has been said that men and women can’t just be friends; that there is simply too much sexual tension between members of the opposite sexes, no matter how subliminal, for cock and cooze to pal around together in perfect, platonic harmony.

Another school of thought, arguably one that’s increasingly more popular, asserts that such pessimism is a heaping load of caca. Certainly, some psychology pros have argued, men and women are absolutely capable of a kinship that doesn’t involve the desire to diddle. After all, it’s not like we’re animals or anything, right? Perhaps this new stance on life science is why some women feel comfortable cohabitating with their male friends without fear that raging hormones will eventually swoop in and wreck the home.

Being roommates with a member of the opposite sex is a common living arrangement in the United States, especially among those whippersnappers just now coming of age. Considering that wages in America continue to be outpaced by the cost of living, it can sometimes be necessary for three or more people to share a dwelling, at least if they want to keep enough money in their pockets to eat something on occasion. Cohabitating with others is one way for the impoverished to save money in the long run, but that financial padding, more times than not, comes with a hefty price.

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