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Redheads: A Fiery Appreciation
Featured Article

Redheads: A Fiery Appreciation

Redheads: So rare. So ravishing. So radiant. How could anybody not love them? 

Actually, perhaps because of their rarity, redheads have suffered discrimination throughout the centuries. To this day, the image of the “soulless ginger” (or, alternately, “soul-stealing ginger”) remains a persistent internet meme, and in 2011, the Denmark-based sperm bank Cryos reportedly decided not to accept donations from redheaded men any longer, due to a lack of demand among female recipients. 

Perhaps there’s nothing we can do to reverse this long-running pattern of bigotry. But we can show our appreciation for this unique breed—at least the female variety of the breed. Join us now in a celebration of gingers, carrot tops, rust-noggins and the rest of their ilk. Feel free to salute, with your free hand. 

Luna Lain

July ’19 HUSTLER

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