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December 2024

Featuring Ellie Nova
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Fucking Fatal?

Could a lack of sex actually kill you? Well, it’s certainly isn’t good for you—and there’s a mountain of evidence that humping on the regular has numerous health benefits. Can you die from a lack of sex? That appears to be the concern of many people currently suffering a sexual drought.  No doubt, a dry...

Torn Over It

Is ripping your lover’s clothes off a welcome sign of unbridled animal lust, or a rude, costly act of property damage? There are varying degrees of horniness that people display along the sexual spectrum, one of which is akin to jungle lust—the kind of hormonal outburst that makes one beast want to get inside the...

Don’t Sweat It

The ritual of most men is to shower before leaving the house, ensuring that their redolence radiates with favorability as they venture out for a poon-prowling night on the town. They douse themselves in all the latest, greatest fragrances because they think a pleasing aroma is what gets the love holes of the ladies fluttering...