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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Prophylactic Pit Stop?
Featured Article

Prophylactic Pit Stop?

A new report suggests that it’s best to put on a new condom after 30 minutes of sex. But does that theory hold, um, water? We go deep to find out…

In the rowdy realm of pecker slinging, all sorts of unforeseen accidents can erupt at any given moment to cause a diddle-time disruption. One minute you’re up there, pumping along like John Holmes circa 1980—in the zone, hellbent on making it the best performance of your lifetime. The next, you’re down headfirst on the floor, wondering where the hell it all went wrong. 

Sometimes, the mishap is immediately apparent. Other times, the realization is delayed. Such as when the pretty young lady you bedded last year shows up at the doorstep nine months later, carrying a little bundle of mayhem and suggesting that it looks a lot like you. Yikes! 

Sex has been getting dudes in all sorts of trouble since the dawn of time. Making them fathers before they’re finished acting like drunkards and degenerates is just the tip of the iceberg. Fortunately, fuckers of yore devised a clever little contraption way back in the day to prevent a bouncing baby from entering the world before its time: The condom. And while those early wang wrappers were relatively crude and primitive, more reliable cock cloaks eventually found their way on the wangs of modern men. 

“My stomach sank when I went to pull the rubber off and there wasn’t anything left besides the base.”

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