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March 2025

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O Brother, How Could Thou?
Featured Article

O Brother, How Could Thou?

Exploring the sticky situations that can emerge when siblings hook up with the same person.

If there is one thing that the late Jerry Springer taught America, it’s that romance is often not as picture-perfect as it is portrayed in the movies. If anything, it’s more like a cut-rate circus smack-dab in the middle of a Dollar Store parking lot down the street from a trailer court where the residents don’t make any important life decisions without consulting a bottle of MD 20/20. For good and for ill, love indeed knows no boundaries—just ask anyone from the foothills of West Virginia. 

“I was into this guy I was dating until I saw his older brother at a family gathering. My ovaries were literally throbbing for him.”


You could also talk to any young man who has ever brought home a nice, new girl to introduce to the family, only to find out soon after that she’s been bopping one of his brothers. The sexual switcheroo can happen easily, sometimes over dinner. “I was into this guy I was dating until I saw his older brother at a family gathering,” Angela, 25, tells “My ovaries were literally throbbing for him.”

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