Last year, Marica Hase’s life took a drastic turn, when the Japanese-born porn star was diagnosed with breast cancer. But Hase isn’t just determined to beat the disease—she’s looking to kick its ass like it owes her money. Currently in remission but years away from being officially declared cured, the XXX sensation has offered inspiration to other cancer patients with a series of YouTube videos chronicling her battle with the disease, and has designed a line of T-shirts, sales of which will benefit the City of Hope cancer center, where she received treatment. recently spoke with Marica about her diagnosis and recovery, and how her experience with the disease has altered her outlook on life. How did you discover that you had cancer?
Marica Hase: I discovered that I had a lump in my right breast on my own, during a self- examination. My neighbor, who had been recently diagnosed with cancer, was preparing for treatment herself and mentioned how scary cancer was. So I touched my breast and didn’t expect to find a weird lump. I didn’t think it was anything, and neither did the doctor at first. Upon first examination by the doctor, they believed it was 85 to 90 percent not cancer and ordered a biopsy by lumpectomy. After the biopsy came back, it was confirmed that I had breast cancer.

What thoughts and emotions did you experience at that moment?
I didn’t feel it was true at first. I thought, Oh wow, I’ve been in America since 2014, but I can’t understand what the doctor said. Did I hear him correctly? He just said I have cancer, but maybe my English isn’t good, and I’m misunderstanding him. I need to become better and learn more English. That’s why I left smiling, went to lunch and then directly to work. After work, I let my agent know what I was told by the doctor. He looked at me weirdly, because I was smiling and happy after finding out [my] diagnosis. Now, I understand that I was just in shock and denial.