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February 2025

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Horny Herbivores?
Featured Article

Horny Herbivores?

Can adopting a plant-based diet be the key to a stronger sex drive?

Although people typically frequent their local watering holes to seek out a sex partner, lettuce consider for a moment that the bar they really should be hanging around is of the salad variety. Yessiree, boys—researchers at Stanford University have reportedly discovered that women on a plant-based diet are around 380% hornier than their carnivorous counterparts.

The study, part of the Netflix docuseries You Are What You Eat, showcases the alleged sexual benefits of adopting a plant-based diet, and it’s making quite a bit of noise around the water cooler. A lot of women who’ve watched the show have since taken to social media to profess their enthusiasm. “I just saw a show on Netflix and OMG, I never knew going vegan could [increase one’s sex drive],” one woman posted. “Can anyone corroborate? I may never eat meat again.”

Are there any legitimate sexual benefits to going plant-based, as the show insists? Well, the researchers—incidentally all vegans themselves—certainly want the viewers to think so. In the series, they examined 22 sets of identical twins, putting one on a carnivore diet and the other on plant-based food while providing them with a companion workout regimen. They then studied the genitalia of the female respondents (all four of them) while they watched porn (the test subjects, not the researchers), looking for changes in body temperature in their nether regions. In the end, vegan vag was red-hot, a result that researchers believe to be an indication that there’s substantially more horniness to be had by herbivores.

“I love sex, but never having a cheeseburger again would strip me of my will to live.”

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