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March 2025

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Horny for Bookworms
Featured Article

Horny for Bookworms

Looking to increase your chances of getting laid? Never mind the nightclub or the gym; try hitting up the library instead.

Although singles often mingle down at their neighborhood watering holes in pursuit of a sex partner, they really should be spending more time in a library—or so a recent survey suggests. Yep, even in this day and age of the dolt, where digital devices and social media have consumed the porking populace to the point of mass brain-death, people in possession of books are still considered the sexiest of the breed. 

A recent poll from Change Research found that 95% of women and 91% of men want to date a literary-minded partner. So, yeah, whoever said size doesn’t matter apparently wasn’t talking about a person’s book collection. It seems that page-turners are real panty-droppers, so, well, we suggest you keep reading—and yes, that includes this article. Hey, it might not be Hemingway, but it’s something.

“Being a strong reader inevitably lends itself to a fascinating vocabulary, and that is always sexy.”


It might be tough to imagine, in a time when social media influencers gain followers by posting pranks and dumb food challenges, that reading would come even close to the top of the list of aphrodisiacs. But evidently, despite the blockhead behaviors of the mainstream, America has a kink for the academic. Both Millennials and members of Gen Z confess that their biggest turn-on for people they might potentially date is an affinity for the written word. 

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