If you’re seeing monsters, puking on your friends, getting paid to be sexually abused by bisexual rock stars and watching your buddy’s head explode, you’re either in L.A. tweaking hard on meth or you’re Adam Green, the writer, director and star of Fearnet.com’s horror sitcom Holliston. Abandon hope—and taste—all ye who enter here.
Crouched demonlike in a residential neighborhood in North Hollywood, California, is a place called ArieScope Studios. Outside, it looks like any other house, but inside, it’s a house of horrors. The man lurking within loves it that way. His name is Adam Green—director, writer, actor and all-around creepy impresario. With his good friend Joe Lynch, he’s created an online show for horror geeks to die for. The memorabilia lining the walls and shelves of Adam’s office are a collective ode to the joy of the macabre. There are monsters, Madballs, Faces of Death and Gremlins. Stitch them all together, and you get his mutant brainchild, Holliston.

Imagine two guys stuck in Holliston, Massachusetts, wasting their lives. They have a dream: Make movies and get famous, but the reality called “making ends meet” is seriously messing things up. Their days are spent hosting a schlocky cable-access horror show, chasing after objects of lust and mounting lame attempts to make their movie Shinpads come to life. Yes, Shinpads. It’s a movie about zombie soccer players. Green has taken Friends and infected it with the horror genre.
The cocktail of camaraderie and gore has struck a chord with horror fans. Green says that even though gore freaks have an affinity for blood and violence, “they’re all cool with each other. You could go to a convention with 17,000 people that you’ve never met and make at least 20 friends by the end of the day. They’re very nice people.” That’s why Holliston works. It’s relatable.

Thirteen years ago Adam Green wrote and directed a nice, normal movie called Coffee & Donuts. It was about a guy, a DJ, who wants to get his girlfriend back, work out his early-20s angst and in the process learn to be a better human being, blah, blah, blah. People relate to that. They eat it up.
But Adam couldn’t keep to “normal.” He had a little demon—a deranged, hideously deformed monkey on his back: his love for horror movies. Lured by the dark path, he followed his romantic pabulum with Hatchet, Frozen and Hatchet II.