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February 2025

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Good Gush Almighty!
Featured Article

Good Gush Almighty!

Why some women experience anxiety over the fact that they squirt—and why they really shouldn’t.

It was once believed that squirting was a rare feminine superpower, held only by those given the gift of gush at birth. Yet, scour the internet on the subject of splashing gash and there’s a digital library of sorts suggesting that the fucking floodgates on any woman can be opened if the proper methods are employed—but sorry, ladies, that’s not entirely true. Yes, we know; the internet might just have misled you.

What all this stream of hopeful jibber-jabber regarding female ejaculation also fails to mention is that some women get embarrassed whenever they experience one of those ass-tapping tsunamis. The humping humiliation over their saturated snatches could stem from a loss of control, personal insecurities or even a negative reaction from their partner. 

“I’ve certainly felt like squirting is one of those things that needs to be discussed before sex. I love it when it happens, but some guys get kind of weirded out by it.”  


There are all sorts of myths out there concerning squirting—everyone can do it, it always coincides with an orgasm, etc. “There are many different theories involving squirting and where it comes from,” Dr. Rachel Needle, a licensed psychologist in West Palm Beach, Florida, and the co-director of Modern Sex Therapy Institutes, tells, emphasizing that “not every” woman is capable of squirting. 

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