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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Photo: Phil Degginger / Alamy Stock Photo
Featured Article

Fuck You, Goodbye!

Getting in one last screw with your partner before you call it quits might seem tempting, but beware—there are definite pitfalls to breakup sex.

They say breaking up is hard to do. Well, they don’t know the half of it. 

Anyone who has ever tried to sever ties with a long-term partner—doesn’t matter whether it’s for reasons of growing apart or they’re a cheating, gaslighting fuck-nut hellbent on sucking every morsel of your soul out of your pee-pee (not that they get their mouth anywhere close to it anymore)—understands that, even when their bad attitude, loud mouth and smug face become unbearable, it’s tough to get out while the getting’s good. No, it ain’t that easy.

When love and hate join forces, people in terminal relationships often become as pitiful as they are powerless. Indecision, second thoughts and self-negotiation turn their stomachs into knots night after night as they attempt to dig through the toxicity for that little voice to guide them in a more fulfilling direction. The professionals often chalk this up to being part of the grieving process. After all, these dolts were once our soulmates, and they’ve witnessed us in our most vulnerable positions.

So it makes sense that letting them go forever will be a tough call. Ending a relationship isn’t just hard; it’s damn near impossible sometimes, and it takes a moment to come to grips before taking that final leap. In the immortal words of Jerry Seinfeld: “Breaking up is like knocking over a Coke machine. You can’t do it in one push; you got to rock it back and forth a few times, and then it goes over.”

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