Do you dream of feet or the squeak of a balloon about to burst? Don’t look now, but your fetish is showing. “Tiny Man Seeks Skyscraper-Size Giantess.” “Smokers Welcome.” There’s a fetish for everyone—what’s yours?
Some words are like unpinned hand grenades. Fetish is just such a word. It makes people jumpy. So much so that you can’t say it aloud in a crowd without incurring the kind of narrow-eyed judgment meted out by 17th century Puritans or Joy Behar.
Fetishists are often painted as deviants and weirdos because of how they’re aroused, but really, if the smell of a well-worn Manolo Blahnik is your nirvana, where’s the harm? Dig deep, and you’ll find most people harbor a fixation of some stripe. Fetishes can be integrated into loving, caring relationships or enjoyed among consenting adults who share a passion. Then there are those who live it and fly their freak flag with pride. Behold, the Fetish Queens—in their own words.
Twitter: @MaggyBerLoon
Instagram: @MaggyBerLoon
Facebook: LoonersUnited
Maggy BerLoon lives for high-tension moments, where fear and uncertainty blend together in an exhilarating cocktail of lust, joy and the occasional explosion. Maggy is a looner, or balloon fetishist. She is also the cofounder of Looners United, a blog community dedicated to the many shades of balloon love embraced by like-minded people the world over.
To put it simply, balloons can cause sexual feelings, but the specific triggers are entirely individual and diverse. Some people get aroused by playing with them, sitting on them, rubbing them, having sex on them…others I know just enjoy their presence or like to watch balloon play. It’s all about the material, the shape, the look, the feel, the color, the flexibility and the high tension such a fragile object can take. The power to tease and push boundaries is important. You think you have full control, but you don’t. A balloon can burst at any time, and this unpredictability can add excitement and thrills.
Everything started when I met my husband and business partner Jan BerLoon. He is a “natural-born looner” and introduced me to the kinky, colorful world of balloons. I was surprised and pretty curious because I had never heard of it before. He blew up some large, impressive balloons, and we just started to go with the flow. It made such a powerful impact that balloons soon turned my whole world around.
There are a few thousand active looners on social media. Then there’s our blog, Looners United, and an online store for balloon fans, Balloons United. Not everyone is open. Some prefer to enjoy their sexuality privately, so I don’t think you can ever know exactly how big the actual “dark number” is—as is the case with all kinds of kinks. But I can tell you for sure that they are all over the world, and more people are joining every day. I’m talking about people from different cultures with diverse values.
One thing we have in common is the name looner, which then became a synonym for all kinds of bal-loon fetishists. Other names, like poppers (who love bursting balloons), nonpoppers (who hate bursting balloons) and semipoppers (who lie somewhere in between) emerged to help people connect. But honestly, I’m not a big fan of labels and don’t like sticking to one or the other because I don’t want to limit myself.

For me, it’s “the bigger, the better.” Big balloons are like a magnet for me. I immediately want to lie on them. For example, when you are a popper and want to perform a “blow to pop,” smaller balloons (14 inches to 24 inches) are more suitable. But if you want to use it as some kind of sex swing and fuck on a balloon—which is my favorite use, by the way—big balloons, like the giant doll or airship balloon, are best. There are also crystal-clear balloons, which are quite impressive because you can look right through them and actually see the pressure. But this is just a snapshot of the fetish’s many permutations. It’s diverse, and preferences are pretty individual. That’s why I created WikiLoons: to bring light into the darkness.
Most videos just satisfy the male popper and are not very arousing for me. When I sit on or lie on a big balloon, I feel the soft latex, the high tension and pressure and the fear that it might pop at any time —I get aroused big time. But I go completely nuts when I get fucked at this point; the more weight, the bigger the pressure, the bigger the fear. The balloon starts swinging, and the sex intensifies with its every move. Imagine the sensation of stretching and snapping an elastic band. Sometimes I get completely disoriented, and this makes me feel like I am flying and lifts me up to a higher level of stimulation.
Balloons are such a popular and widespread item that everyone has their own personal association with them, like a kid’s birthday party. When you approach it with this bias and can’t look beyond your own experiences, it can result in misconceptions. Sometimes people assume things and judge without doing any research. I’m sure there are many who think that balloon fetishists get aroused just from seeing balloons, even at a kid’s birthday party. Sorry, but of course this is not the case. Imagine you are into bondage: Would you get aroused by playing skip rope? You see what I mean?
I remember this one time, early in my sexy balloon experiences, Jan slid a balloon out from his nightstand and started blowing. Our bodies were very close, and he proceeded to blow up the balloon right between us, but not give it more space to expand. Feeling the pressure increase was pure lust. He held it directly to my pussy and kept on blowing and blowing and blowing. The balloon didn’t pop, but I did.
Twitter & Instagram: @AstroDomina
At 5-5, Sydney Lee is larger than life. The West Coast domina and fetish model, in her own words, is out to “make this world a much better place to live…using my beauty, my whip and my brains.” And her imagination too. Sydney, or Madame if you’re nasty, specializes in a lesser known but fascinating fetish subset: giantess, vore and shrinking. They’re all variations on a similar theme, whereby men request fantasies typically involving a gigantic woman who may or may not swallow you whole. Read on if you dare, puny human.
I’ve always had the kinky bone in me. Growing up in a strict Christian household from Southeast Asia, my curiosity for alternative lifestyles and the mysterious grew stronger and stronger as I got older. Moving to the U.S. when I was 17 made the leap to kink a whole lot easier. I cammed at first, then started producing femdom and fetish videos. After that I started doing pro-domination.
Quite simply, giantess is a sexual interest or fantasy involving giantesses— female giants. It’s typically a male fantasy. The smaller part is usually played by males, and the bigger role is played by a female. Another word for giantess is macrophilia, which literally means “lover of large.” Vore and shrinking are two subcategories of giantess. I consider them subcategories because I have never gotten requests for vore or shrinking fetish clips where I wasn’t a giantess in it. Vore is a sexual fantasy about being swallowed, eaten or consumed by a giantess. I’ve been getting a ton of vore requests lately—my fans say I have a beautiful oral cavity. Haha!