speaks to three smut-loving ladies about their viewing preferences and what kind of XXX content gets their juices flowing.
Where once porn consumption was considered the near-exclusive domain of heterosexual men, the ongoing diversification and (incremental) normalization of adult content, combined with contemporary, unbiased academic analysis, reveals that a not-insignifcant segment of women also love to watch people fuck.
Exactly how many women is where it gets a bit complicated, as Google’s algorithm renders searches on the topic rather unreliable. Search “how many women watch porn” and many of the top results will be pseudo-studies carried out by porn-unfriendly organizations.

In light of that, we went straight to the top dog himself: the incredible Dr. Eric Sprankle, licensed clinical psychologist and certified sex therapist, who was kind enough to provide us with a very helpful paper (“Pornography Consumption, Modality and Function in a Large Internet Sample,” published by The Journal of Sex Research in 2020).
These types of metrics are difficult to measure for various reasons, but the study found that an impressive 60.2% of women had reported consuming pornography in the past month. That’s right—look to your left, then look to your right: chances are one of the women seated next to you has recently gazed upon adult content.
To learn more about the viewing habits and preferences of the average lady fan, spoke to three sexually enlightened civilians (i.e. not sex workers) about the female gaze and finding release through fantasy.