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February 2025

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Coming Up Short?
Featured Article

Coming Up Short?

Chin up, short kings; your height might not be the impediment you think it is when it comes to meeting women.

In the fickle world of wooing, some women set specific parameters as to who they will pork, who they might consider dating and who they absolutely won’t have anything to do with. Short men, a lot of times, get placed on the no-bone list. Even if a woman isn’t in the shallow end of the poon pool and doesn’t particularly care about looks, she still might find it laughable if, say, she is approached by a man who is 5’ 6”. Short guys are often, ahem, looked down upon. It’s a prejudice that has been known to discount a dude, even if he possesses a number of other redeeming qualities prized by the female persuasion. “I want to be able to wear heels without it looking weird with me towering over him,” Celia, 35, tells, adding that she’s just not attracted to shorter men. 

“I want to be able to wear heels without it looking weird with me towering over him.”


Look, we get it. Everyone has their own unique preferences in the people they choose to see naked. Nobody understands this better than men. It could be argued that guys are the shallowest of the sexes when it comes to wanting women that meet certain physical standards. Some men, for instance, prefer blondes, while others have a predilection for perky tits, long legs and an ass that can catapult a quarter into space. 

However, desires are not absolute—even fickle people like a wide variety of things and qualities. Which is what makes it so perplexing when a lady flat-out rejects the prospect of dating a shorter guy. And many dismiss these dudes from the start. “No thank you; I’ll pass,” asserts Baltimore resident Shawna when asked if she’d ever consider dating a shorter man. “I like my men to look like men, not trolls.” Shawna adds that the guy could be “nice” and even “good looking,” and a lack of height would still be a deal-breaker. 

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