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May 2024

Featuring Tavia
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Call Me!

Yes, phone sex is still a thriving business in the internet age. We chatted with expert practitioners of this enduring craft to learn the secrets of their success. Phone sex has probably existed since the invention of the telephone. (Thanks, Alexander Graham Bell!) And despite the many technical advances that the sex industry has benefited...

Clowning on Counseling

Even the strongest marriages hit bumps sometimes—and, let’s face it, many marriages aren’t that strong to begin with. (There’s a reason why half of them end in divorce.) But one person’s marital issues are another person’s source of laughter, and there are plenty of yuks to be had over the topic of matrimonial discord. So...

John Carpenter & Sandy King Carpenter: Always Start With the Story

John Carpenter is one of the best-known storytellers of our time. As a horror filmmaker, he has written, directed and in many cases scored numerous classics. Think Halloween, The Fog, The Thing, Christine and Prince of Darkness. His filmography includes notable entries in other genres as well: Cult faves and critically acclaimed films like Dark...