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March 2025

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Buff and Banging
Featured Article

Buff and Banging

A new study has found that physically stronger women have more sex than their less-muscled counterparts. Join us as we do some heavy lifting to explore the phenomenon.

Muscle might be all it takes to rack up that body count in this golden age of superficiality—and not just for men. Hold onto your dumbbells, dumbbells, because a new study from Washington State University reveals that physically strong women are muscling in on the action, too. Yep, ladies with stronger bodies were shown to have more sexual partners than less-muscled females, yet scientists are perplexed as to why. Is it the biceps, the confidence, or just the allure of regularly picking up strange men and launching them out of the bedroom window when they come too soon?

Scientists have theorized for decades that men with chiseled physiques are more apt to score with the females than their flabbier counterparts, as physical fitness is a biological marker for successful mating. In essence, women prefer to bed down with strong, attractive men, as their baby-making DNA subliminally tells them that procreating with a beer-bellied slob with the arms of a 75-year-old woman is probably not going to make for the best offspring. So, guys, the stronger you look, the higher the chance that sex will abound.

Of course, it’s easy to understand why buff guys—or any guy, really—would fuck anything he could, at any time and anywhere: it’s just in the male nature. However, researchers couldn’t come up with any definitive reason why a woman of strong physicality would also gorge herself on promiscuity. The best they had to offer was something called “assortative mating,” a term suggesting that physically stronger people will bone each other more frequently. It might be that beautiful people are simply on the prowl to pound their own kind. Some of the people we talked to, however, renounced this theory. “Take a look at the gene pool, will you? It’s all overweight, autistic kids with crooked teeth,” Dannion, 42, tells “I think the dregs of our society are the only ones fucking.”

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