Exploring the erotic allure of women who engage in manual labor.
The male persuasion typically doesn’t want its women too rough around the edges. Nope, men often like their gals to look a particular way—a pretty face and nice body, yes, and the fashion sense to show it off with boner-inducing style. Stroll down the streets of Anytown, USA, and you will almost assuredly hear some beer-bellied monstrosity of mankind howling at a professional woman in a business suit, as if his hormones suddenly developed a mean case of Tourette’s, and now he’s just one full moon shy of turning into a werewolf: “Hey baby, a-woooooooooo!”
That same boisterous beast, however, might not give a second look at the lady working at a construction site, wearing a hard hat and a tool belt. And that, some men argue, is a big mistake. “There’s something about a plain woman in jeans that does it for me,” Tony, 41, tells HUSTLERMagazine.com. “It’s their indifference and natural beauty that I find captivating. I don’t like a woman that’s made up.”
“I think it’s because they’re down to Earth and physically fit—they have to be. You go through a lot of bullshit in this line of work.”