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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Wedding Bell Blue Balls

A new study has found that—shocker!—getting married doesn’t necessarily lead to sexual satisfaction. So why bother getting hitched, and how do you keep the fire in your marriage after years of banging the same person? Read on for answers. People have been getting married pretty much since the dawn of time in an effort to...

Sex Is My Cardio

No, you can’t screw your way to a skinnier you—but physical training can boost your sex drive, and the right sex positions can help you burn more calories in bed. Here’s your guide if you want to be fucking healthy. A hefty slab of lard-ass America is finding its way to the gym these days...

Fuck Me Harder?

What she really means—and how to respond—when she tells you to crank up the intensity in the bedroom. If a guy bangs enough women during his time on this planet, he will inevitably encounter one with a loud, insatiable urge for some hard pounding. And he, inevitably, will respond by wearing that pussy out like...