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March 2025

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Fucking With Your Head: The Art of Mindful Sex

Yes, meditation can lead to better banging. No, that doesn’t mean sitting with your legs crossed and chanting, “Ommmmm…” for hours. Read on… If you’re like most guys, you charge into sex headfirst—usually with your little head. But with a little training of your brain, that big head of yours can play a major part...

Sex Mythbreakers: Does More Sex Equal Better Sex?

We all love to fuck. I mean, there’s no point in trying to over-intellectualize that one, is there?  But can such a thing as “too much” sex exist?  Okay, okay, before you close that browser window and exit the site completely, hear us out: You know that feeling when you find a restaurant that you...

Sex Boot Camp Vol. 1: Don’t Try This at Home!

Pile drivers? BDSM? Shower sex? They all might look hot on screen when you’re enjoying a XXX video, but are they practical in real life? We consult the experts—aka, porn performers—in the interest of sexual enlightenment. We love sex. You love sex. There is, however, always room for improvement. has your best interests at...