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March 2025

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So You Wanna Be a Cam Star?

Thinking about camming for a living during these difficult times? Let these experienced performers provide you with some essential advice. Camming shows are a fantastic way to engage in real-time action with some of the most beautiful and talented stars of adult entertainment. They’re also a potentially lucrative means for performers to make a living...

Sex Mythbreakers: Masturbation Mistruths

No, spanking it won’t ruin your eyesight, shrink your dong or give you prostate cancer—in fact, it has many benefits. So go ahead and whack away (after reading this, of course)! Hairy palms, loss of eyesight, eternal damnation and a hideously curved and ever-shrinking penis! The myths surrounding masturbation are plentiful, but it’s time for...

Sex Mythbreakers: Girl Talk

Think that guys have the market cornered on locker-room banter? Sit down; we have some news that is going to make your jaw drop. The next best thing to having sex, or watching other people have it, is probably talking about it.  There’s a bit of a discrepancy though, when it comes to how men...