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March 2025

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HUSTLER Beaver Mary Jane


Mary Jane

I love being licked from front to back, and I always come extra hard when my boyfriend fucks my sweet ass!

About Mary Jane

“I was in HUSTLER’s 25th-anniversary Beaver Hunt [July ’99], but I think I look better with age,” announces “bewitching, seductive, energetic and whimsical” Mary Jane, 35, a pizzeria prep cook and piping-hot pagan from Yreka, California. “Witchcraft is kinda cool,” the 5-foot-2 Megadeth and Black Sabbath fan elaborates. “I’m really into nature, the elements and celebrating the seasons, but at home I like lying around in my panties and watching sexploitation horror movies from the 1970s and early ’80s, especially Italian director Dario Argento’s cult classics Suspiria and Scarlet Diva.” But gore/erotica isn’t the spry pixie’s sole leisure-time pleasure. “I also enjoy smoking huge amounts of an earthly herb,” Mary Jane toots, “fine wine, Dexter, Shameless, Adult Swim, [Minnesota] Vikings football, exercising in my panties and last but not least, expertly satisfying my guy—and fucking a woman every so often. I love using a strap-on. And whenever I get the urge to masturbate, I have a HUSTLER vibrator that I call Mr. Flynt. I’d sure love to meet the real Larry Flynt someday.” Befitting an unabashed nature lover and Beaver of yore, Mary Jane occasionally lets her short-and-curlies grow out. “I sent pics with a muff and with my kitty freshly shaved,” she points out. “That way, all your readers should be happy.” Sweet!

Photos by Boyfriend


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