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April 2025

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HUSTLER Beaver Magenta Prex


Magenta Prex

I want to celebrate my youthful beauty as much as possible while I have it. Posing nude lets folks see me at my prime. One of my fantasies is to be ordered to strip, then not move or speak until it’s permitted. That idea really turns me on because it’s so much the opposite of how I usually am. I’m super-acrobatic during sex!

About Magenta Prex

“I’ve spent a lot of time being naked outdoors,” admits Magenta Prex, 31, from Chicago, Illinois. “I grew up in the country, and my first boyfriend and I often had sex out in the fields. I love nature. It energizes me.” No wonder the 5-foot-6 travel and cooking buff chose a ranch setting to introduce herself. But Magenta doesn’t feed horses or muck stables for a living. “I’m a perpetually curious sex educator and researcher,” she explains. “That’s how I’ve gotten into many kink scenes and learned so much. Each person is a complex puzzle of lifestyles, interests and baggage.” Magenta’s puzzle seems enigmatic: “I’m a nerd and a Trekkie. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is my favorite, and I love Doctor Who, The Lord of the Rings movies, RTS [real-time strategy] games and Game of Thrones. I’m also bi and polyamorous. I have lovers in many states and around the world, and they all know about each other. I especially adore group sex, and I’m a pain slut.” Having an audience enthralls Magenta, whose findings have been published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine: “At a Seattle sex club, about two dozen dudes formed a circle around me and wanked away while I was masturbating on my blankie. I’m a mutualist. I really get off when others are pleasured as well. I hope your readers are just as enthused when they see me in my birthday suit.”



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