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March 2025

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HUSTLER Beaver Cleopatra



My sexual fantasy is to be dominated by Castle star Nathan Fillion.

About Cleopatra

Women have all sorts of reasons to bare their bods in Beaver Hunt, and Cleopatra, 24, has a pretty good one. “I want my 15 minutes of fame,” the cocktail waitress and aspiring entrepreneur from Alexandria, Louisiana, admits. “I’ve had several opportunities, but not on a platform like HUSTLER. I’m very self-confident, independent, outgoing and friendly—an Aquarian to a T!” Besides astrology, Cleopatra’s interests include raising rabbits, dancing, TV crime shows (her fave is Castle), reading and music. “I’m into country, classic rock, pop and classical,” the 5-foot-4 neophyte specifies. “I used to play piano.” As for being intimately playful, Cleopatra reveals, “I’m bisexual and leaning more toward girls than guys, like 75% to 25%. What I love the most in bed is giving head. Making my partner climax is incredibly satisfying. Aquarians always strive to be helpful.” —Photos by Ron Neumann 


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