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March 2025

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HUSTLER Beaver Bridget



When I’m high as fuck, I’m more open-minded to trying new things I may have previously thought no way Jose to. I’m pretty sure I was stoned the first time I tried anal sex. My fantasy is having a guy judge a blowjob competition between me and my best friend. I’ve been told many times that I give awesome blowjobs. I have no gag reflex—’nuff said!

About Bridget

April 20 is Weed Day, but we’ll make it a month-long buzz by showcasing marijuana consultant Bridget, 32, from Eugene, Oregon. “I love being naked,” the 5-foot-5 Beaver Stater avows, “especially when others can see me. Sharing is caring.” Of course, that’s the pothead mindset. “I’ve found that everything in life is more enjoyable when I’m high as fuck,” Bridget admits. “I think everyone would get along much better if recreational marijuana was legalized in all 50 states; people would be more chill. I cultivate my own garden of greens; it’s calming. And when I’m not tending to those chill ladies, I’m either reading a good book or hanging with my blond best friend, who loves sex, grass and stoner movies as much as I do. My favorites are Cheech and Chong’s Up in Smoke, Super Troopers, Half Baked, The Big Lebowski and Grandma’s Boy.” Nevertheless, bi gal Bridget takes her cannabis advocacy seriously: “There are medical benefits I won’t even begin to list because I would run out of space. Another argument is the huge sums of money spent to track and incarcerate sellers and users of marijuana. Crime associated with the substance would drop as legitimate commerce becomes profitable, like alcohol at the end of Prohibition. Colorado legalized weed five years ago. Hell did not freeze over, and the world did not end. In fact, the state is doing some damn good shit for its residents with the windfall in tax revenue. It’s time the federal government passed not only a joint around, but the nationwide legalization of cannabis as well.” —Photos by Friend 



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