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February 2025

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When XXX Worlds Collide
Featured Article

When XXX Worlds Collide

What happens when the coworkers and bosses at your day job find out that you moonlight in porn? Read on, the answers might surprise you…

The workplace can be stressful and provides an array of challenges even under normal circumstances. Now imagine that one of those challenges is that your co-worker or boss has discovered your adult industry persona, and suddenly the Chatty Kathy at your office who wastes all of your time with her incessant yapping doesn’t seem like such a headache.

Below, an assemblage of adult-industry workers share their stories about being recognized by a colleague at their day jobs, and how that has affected their lives and careers. The outcomes might surprise you.

Melody Jai

Photo courtesy of Melody Jai

X: @TheMelodyJai

Melody Jai has been in the adult industry since 1999 as an exotic dancer. In 2008, she started working on traditional movie sets, helping with catering services.  

When she had breaks between movie projects, Melody was dancing. “At first, only a few people on the movie set knew about my other job. But something happened on Facebook that changed everything,” she recalls. “There’s a part on Facebook that suggests people you might know. Suddenly, everyone I knew on my personal page found out about my adult industry job!”

At first, the revelation didn’t affect Melody’s movie work. However, she notes, eventually, “My boss told me I couldn’t work on a project anymore because people were talking about me.”

Making matters worse, Melody says, the exotic dancing job fell through—a potentially devastating one-two punch, though Melody maintains a silver-lining outlook about the situation. “Losing both jobs was really hard, but sometimes tough times bring new chances,” she posits.

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