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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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The Dictator Speaks!
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The Dictator Speaks!

Sacha Baron Cohen’s brilliant and ruthless character bares his exalted soul as his movie is finally immortalized in digital form.

While blindfolded and bound, entertainment reporter Keith Valcourt was whisked to a secret compound thousands of miles from Hollywood for a journalistic coup. He was invited to sit down for an ultra-exclusive Q&A with Admiral General Aladeen, the main character in Sacha Baron Cohen’s 2012 film The Dictator. Despite being intermittently forced to denounce America and eat camel testicles (a delicacy in some parts of the world), Valcourt was able to ask Admiral General Aladeen about the secret to a happy marriage with multiple wives, excessive facial hair, the movie—which is now available on DVD and Blu-ray—and much more.

HUSTLER: What country are you from exactly?

THE DICTATOR: I am from Wadiya, a lovely place just 6,000 miles from America as the Scud flies. It has a very happy population of 10 million people—obviously that figure varies depending on my mood—and there are many great tourist attractions. I highly recommend the Hanging Gardens of Falechjaya. The gardens aren’t much, but it has some of the best hanging west of Baghdad.

Is Wadiya anywhere near Kazakhstan?

Not currently, but if my plans to invade and colonize Iraq, Iran and Turkmenistan come off, we should be neighbors by about 2025.

Are you really as well loved by your country’s people as you think?

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