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November 2024

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Featured Article

Hungry Like the Wolf(son)

Rachel Wolfson has taken the comedy world by the throat and has no plans of letting go any time soon. From her fucking funny stand-up to her antics as the first female member of Jackass, this sexy and hilarious powerhouse makes us want to join her Wolfson pack!

HUSTLER: Holy shit, it’s Rachel Wolfson! How the hell are you?

RACHEL WOLFSON: I’m great! Thank you guys for having me.

Did you ever think you’d be in HUSTLER Magazine wearing clothes?

I always knew I’d end up here. It’s an honor to be in HUSTLER Magazine even with my clothes on! My mom and dad are going to be so proud.

Hell, yeah. Glad we could make your HUSTLER dreams come true! Is there something about the magazine that stands out to you?

HUSTLER has always been the ultimate form of freedom of expression. As a comedian, I can really appreciate how the magazine doesn’t hold back and fought for its right to exist.

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