XXX Russian export Crystal Rush explains what life is really like in her homeland.
Grandpa Boomer was holding court about Russian women: “You see, youngsters, you don’t know. I came up during the Cold War, when you’d only hear about two kinds of Ruskie dames: the beautiful-but-deadly femme fatale and the big babushka who could lift a tractor with one hand while slapping some sense into the uppity young ‘uns with the other. You didn’t want either. Then, with glasnost and the fall of the wall, we learned there were many fetching examples who were down for butt sex and were exceedingly good at it.” There were some scattered giggles. Grandpa Boomer continued, “Oh, you think that’s funny? I was there when it happened, so I guess I oughta know.”
Grandpa Boomer is often full of shit, so we wanted to talk to a real Russian about Russian women. We figured that the Russian Embassy might be a little too busy to field our inquiry at the moment, but we’re, so we soon found popular MILF porn star Crystal Rush to offer us some valuable insight and get beyond stereotypes. Which part of Russia are you from, and what’s it like?
Crystal Rush: I’m from a little town near Moscow. You know, small town. Everything is taboo, very strict. Old, conservative values. Probably not too different in attitudes from small American towns.
How long have you been in the West? What brought you here?
I’ve been here for five years now. I was always curious about it. I had many friends who tried to get here, but all were unsuccessful. I managed to get a visa and came over. It’s such a big country, I found out that a six-month visa was not a long enough time to really experience America.