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March 2025

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Porn from the Past

The consummate multitasker, Joan is seen here combining synchronized balling with bird-watching. Thanks to D.D. of Crescent, Iowa, for this vintage photo. Send your smut of yesteryear to: HUSTLER’s Porn From the Past 8484 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 90 Beverly Hills, CA 90211...

How HUSTLER Turned Me Into the Most Famous White Trash Whore In My Family

Twelve years ago I had the privilege of getting my boyfriend to fuck my ass in the middle of a desert, on top of some abandoned auto debris. That was my introduction into HUSTLER Magazine. Thanks to that assfuck in Palmdale, I never had to have that awkward conversation with any of my born-again Christian...

Neverending Panty Raid

Attaining the dubious distinction of old fart ain’t bad if it means putting in 37 years at an extraordinary workplace. So kudos to Lady Luck, karma or an omni-unpresent deity’s master plan. I started out with a typewriter and proofreader’s non-repro-blue pen. Now, just like any 21st-century office schmoe, I have a computer, but mine...