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March 2025

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A Scam to Die For

There’s nothing new about public officials lying to you, but in this case the lie is immoral and potentially deadly. You’re being told that the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare,” is a failure. A fiasco. A nightmare! A government takeover of healthcare! All of them are the opposite of true. And the fact that you’re...

Spies and Lies

Our government has totally shredded our right to privacy and will blatantly lie about the vast extent of its domestic surveillance apparatus. We suspected it before, but now—thanks to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden—we know it. The lying didn’t become a matter of established record, however, until Senator Ron Wyden’s persistent questioning at a Senate Select...

Schoolyard Police State?

The National Security Agency’s voracious surveillance of Americans shows what the federal government thinks of privacy. But local law-enforcement agencies and school administrators nationwide are also destroying We the People’s Constitutional rights with impunity. In his blog “The Over-Policing of America,” lawyer Chase Madar details how oppressive our country has become: “There is the...