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March 2025

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Sabotaging Middle East Peace

Perhaps Donald Trump will be driven from office because of the much-ballyhooed claims by the Democrats that he and his cohorts colluded with Russians in stealing the 2016 election. So far the hard evidence is underwhelming, but really, who’s calling the kettle black? Ironically, outrage is emanating from the very nation that has led the...

“This Case Is Everything”

The future of our representative system of government is now at the mercy of the U.S. Supreme Court’s stolen conservative majority. The Court will soon have the opportunity to make a ruling that could help determine which political party controls Congress and state legislatures for decades. According to The New York Times, the outcome of...

Tax Heaven

An ocean of leaked documents exposes how the rich and powerful hide their money from the taxman. Heard of the Paradise Papers? You haven’t if you still believe in the official American fantasy that honest hard work is the path to prosperity. The Paradise Papers comprise the latest trove of purloined documents from financial institutions,...