You’re at a party and lock eyes with a sexy stranger. Those eyes look kind of familiar. Then it dawns on you: Holy shit, am I flirting with a celebrity? You introduce yourself, down a few overwrought cocktails, then fall into a cab. Back at theirs, you think, No one will believe me, and you’re right…sort of. Because [name redacted] is handing you a nondisclosure agreement to sign.
What a mood killer! Still, the celebrity nondisclosure agreement is a time-honored tactic to keep normals from blabbing about the secret lives of stars. Their existence and details therein are often difficult to prove—unless, of course, someone leaks it. This is how we learned about Charlie Sheen’s NDA (participants must supply their own tiger blood) and, more recently, how Trump tried to conceal his hookup with Stormy Daniels.