A man in Kansas, named Mario Antoine, has admitted to tricking dozens of women into having sex with him by pretending to be a porn mogul. Not only was he duping women by promising them stardom and payment, but when they complained that he wasn’t holding up his end of the bargain, he blackmailed them with the same erotic images he fooled them into making. America has had some grade-A sleazebags—think Bill Cosby and President Trump—but this dude takes the cake. It can only be speculated that either this motherfucker is the worst lover ever or simply has a microscopic penis. Lucky for him, he has ten long years in prison to work on his lovemaking skills. He’ll probably spend more time receiving than giving, but practice is practice. We’re sure there will be plenty of inmates who will want to audition him for their bitch. He may get more roles than he’d like. If you’re starting to feel sorry for the guy, consider this tidbit from the d-bag’s scheme: When women complained about not getting paid, he sent images of their sexual activity to employers and family. People need to know about assholes like this so they can steer clear and be less trusting. Mario Antoine, if you still want to get into porn, maybe you should try a solo video and go fuck yourself!