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May 2024

Featuring Tavia
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GLOW Girl Jeanne Basone: Wham! Bam! Body Slam! gets in the ring with Jeanne “Hollywood” Basone for a no-holds-barred interview. If you are like us, you loved wrestling in the 1980s. The choreographed chaos of Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant and “Rowdy” Roddy Piper ruled our collective TVs during the Reagan years. And if you were a red-blooded American male discovering the...

Going Poly

From polygamy to polyamory, we explore the ups, downs, ins and outs of having multiple partners.  During this period of quarantine, one major source of entertainment was Netflix’s Tiger King, which centered around kooky zookeeper Joe Exotic. Joe is a controversial figure because of his alleged animal abuse and scheme to have his rival Carole...

Circus of Books: A Real-Life Mom and Pop Porn Saga

Filmmaker Rachel Mason discusses her Emmy-nominated documentary about her parents’ adult-entertainment institution. Circus of Books is no more, and its recent passing marked the end of an era. The Los Angeles-area book and adult-entertainment store, an iconic destination for the gay community and late-night literati during the age of Reagan, AIDS and beyond, may be...