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February 2025

Featuring Jewel Diamant
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Dr. Eric Sprankle

Masturbators have really taken a beating over the years (ahem), what with all the anti-pud-pulling propaganda—disinformation that once suggested mankind would go blind if it didn’t resist its natural instinct to touch oneself. Today, we like to believe the world is enlightened and that most consider self-pleasure to be a normal, healthy part of life....

Lucien Greaves: The Satanic Temple

If you ask Lucien Greaves, tyranny has infected America, the so-called land of the free, with a conservative strain of godly gonorrhea. A nation under one God, Greaves contends, has crippled independence as our forefathers intended. Recent attacks on the First Amendment and the reversal of Roe v. Wade are perfect examples. Since 2013, Greaves—cofounder...

The End Is Here

Brendon Small talks Metalocalypse and Dethklok At first, I was clueless how to approach an interview with Brendon Small, creator of Adult Swim’s hit animated comedy Metalocalypse—a series that follows five imbecilic musicians collectively known as Dethklok. The show, which first aired in 2006, pokes fun at the inanity of starfuckers through a maniacal display...