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April 2025

Featuring Ama Rio & Violet Voss
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Asking for It?

Never mind the dating apps; according to a recent study, most young women say that they’re open to being asked out face to face—but there’s a right way and wrong way to do it. There was a time when a man had no choice but to ask a woman out in person—a feat that most...

Coming Back From the Fucking Dead

If your relationship is suffering from “dead bedroom syndrome,” getting back on fucking track might be easier than you think. They say getting it is one thing, but keeping it is another. In the beginning, couples can’t stop slobbering all over each other’s naughty bits, but then life steps in and attempts to spoil the...

Truth Bombs

Is honesty really always the best policy when it comes to relationships? Join us as we explore the science. We’re taught from a young age that honesty is the best policy. What they don’t tell you is that, sometimes—especially in romantic relationships—honesty can have consequences you never saw coming. We’ve all been there, confronted with...