The “Wicked” Clinton Foundation
Donald Trump and the whole right-wing echo chamber have made a huge fuss over the operation of the Clinton Foundation during the time Hillary was Secretary of State. Yes, some of the Foundation’s donors, including representatives of foreign nations, major corporations and other entities, did also meet with Secretary Clinton to discuss matters of state. But the implication that this was naked graft and bribery is absurd.
The Clintons—Bill, Hillary and Chelsea—have never personally profited by one dime from the Foundation. Zilch! And here are some of the “evil” things it supports: supplying antimalarial drugs and promoting economic development in impoverished Africa; subsidizing climate change initiatives,such as helping cities retro – fit old buildings with new energy-efficient technology; supporting programs to reduce childhood obesity, for example negotiating with school vendors to provide healthy alternatives; promoting women’s rights in Third World nations; and providing relief after earthquakes and other disasters, including Hurricane Katrina.