Let’s face it, times are changing. And while there is no shortage of films to get excited about today, occasionally we find ourselves longing for the cinema of yesteryear—a time when morals were loose and R-rated blockbusters at an all-time high. For peak sleaze, nothing beats the ’90s.
There are many contenders for the crown, but we will always have a special place in our hearts for the neo-noir stylings of Wild Things, celebrating its 25th anniversary this year! In a sexy, steamy, tongue-in-cheek erotic thriller set in Florida (naturally), Matt Dillon plays a guidance counselor accused of rape, with Denise Richards and Neve Campbell as the dueling femmes fatale. Kevin Bacon, whose hefty, uncircumcised wang is clearly visible in the penultimate boat scene, plays a shifty cop who smells a scam.
If sleaze is your jam—and boobs!—then Wild Things belongs on your DVD shelf somewhere between Showgirls and Sliver (you haven’t lived until you’ve seen the unhinged unrated edition). But if you’re looking for further suggestions, then look no further, dear cinephile. A decade of decadence awaits.