I think we can all agree that no one is going to miss 2020. As dumpster fires go, it was a doozy and one that we’d just as soon forget about as quickly as possible—except, of course, for the beautiful women in this industry, who gave us reasons to live. And so, with our eyes firmly fixed on the future, we reached out to the oracles of adult entertainment, those amazing demigods. What can we glean from their 2021 resolutions? The key to existence? Spiritual enlightenment? Cupcakes?! Yes, yes, yes!
Charlotte Stokely, performer: 2020 taught us a lot about ourselves, our friends and what we’re capable of. For me, there was the humbling experience of cooking all my own meals, learning who’s really there for you when you feel alone and embracing the opportunity to look inward when we couldn’t go outside.