Burying the lede is an old journalism term that describes reporting in which a very, very important fact is buried way down toward the bottom of an article. “Mayor inaugurates new swing set! Oh, and someone’s baby was eaten alive by a pack of wild dogs during the ceremony. More on page A18.” It’s the only way to describe how Big Think (bigthink.com) reported the findings of a study led by urologists from Stanford University on penis size. In learning how the average dimensions of an erect wang have increased by 24% over the last three decades, we are then made to sift through eight tedious paragraphs before getting some real answers: more porn = bigger penis. Thank you, science!

“You might possibly blame online porn, but that’s just a theory,” said one urologist who is absolutely not on our payroll. “The more someone has erections, there might be greater potential for better erections. The tissue would stretch more, hence would get longer.”
Well, what are you waiting for? Start gooning, guys! To help develop your new masturbatory calisthenics routine, we’ve enlisted none other than beloved HUSTLER contributor Missy Martinez (pictured, looking hot as fuck):