From the department of soul-crushing statistics, this eye-roller of a fact: According to The Sun UK, “Nearly half of women who have sex on their period say it gives them a heightened sense of pleasure but have been shamed for suggesting it.” First, shame on anyone who shames women this way. And second, you idiots don’t know what you’re missing.
Yeah, that’s right—HUSTLER is pro-period sex. Period sex is amazing. Period sex is wet. Period sex is squishy and viscous, just like great sex should be. Alas, outlandish and infantile hang-ups persist. To wit: In a survey of 2,000 women, only 15% said they have had sex while on their period, while a towering 70% have never even suggested it to their partner.
Here to help right a laughably immature wrong is seductress, fetishist, BDSM switch, content producer and period-sex enthusiast Apricot Pitts. She’s here to remind us that pleasure always comes first.